Katie Walkley (Sassy Siren) discovered swing dancing at Truman State University when friends in the dorm were looking for something fun to do on Wednesday nights.  She began taking lessons in 2012 and has kept her dancing shoes close ever since.  Her passion for it grew and she started traveling to conferences to expand her knowledge of the different genres and styles.  Katie developed a deep love of blues and balboa along the way, preferably danced after midnight with a drink in hand.

Katie moved back to Kansas City post college, drawn in by the incredible live jazz scene (and the BBQ of course).  She can’t envision living anywhere else.  Katie is known for her sassy attitude on the dance floor and specializes in lindy hop, blues, and balboa.  She enjoys a good solo jazz or west coast dance every now and again as well.  Katie is inspired by big band music, local Kansas City jazz, and of course, showtunes.  She has always had a taste for performing and is proud to dance with the lovely and talented Kansas City Canaries!